Support reforestation & climate security, and indigenous & ethnobotanical conservation.

Support reforestation & climate security, and indigenous & ethnobotanical conservation.

Support reforestation & climate security, and indigenous & ethnobotanical conservation.

Colombia registered non-profit: NIT 901449600-1

Donors are added to our newsletter, which includes annual reports on progress and fund allocation.

We’re raising $299,000 for our first year of reforestation and indigenous conservation projects, and $168,500 for a Center of Ethnobotanical Research, Education, & Transformation.

Our largest allocations are $42,800 on a greenhouse (a long-term asset with 150,000 tree capacity annually), and $43,700 on germination, substrates, and reforestation field work. The $168,500 Center of Ethnobotanical Research is an invitation for the scientific community to collaborate with indigenous medicines, and doubles as an income stream for our community by producing medicinal extracts and tinctures for mental health, energy, nervous system, detoxification, and so on.

With more funds ($2.6M), we’ll scale projects up (more hectares, more families, more income sources) over 5 years. We'll look into stronger accountability methods (eg. satellite imagery for carbon credits, biometric markers for water and soil testing), and invest in research and education for local + global communities (magazine for agroforestry methods, plant medicine research in lab). Our long-term vision ($5M) is open to land buy-backs for holistic conservation (eg. purchasing a mountain and conserving the water via agroforestry and nature-minded community infrastructure.)

Thank you for your support.

We’re raising $299,000 for our first year of reforestation and indigenous conservation projects, and $168,500 for a Center of Ethnobotanical Research, Education, & Transformation.

Our largest allocations are $42,800 on a greenhouse (a long-term asset with 150,000 tree capacity annually), and $43,700 on germination, substrates, and reforestation field work. The $168,500 Center of Ethnobotanical Research is an invitation for the scientific community to collaborate with indigenous medicines, and doubles as an income stream for our community by producing medicinal extracts and tinctures for mental health, energy, nervous system, detoxification, and so on.

With more funds ($2.6M), we’ll scale projects up (more hectares, more families, more income sources) over 5 years. We'll look into stronger accountability methods (eg. satellite imagery for carbon credits, biometric markers for water and soil testing), and invest in research and education for local + global communities (magazine for agroforestry methods, plant medicine research in lab). Our long-term vision ($5M) is open to land buy-backs for holistic conservation (eg. purchasing a mountain and conserving the water via agroforestry and nature-minded community infrastructure.)

Thank you for your support.

We’re raising $299,000 for our first year of reforestation and indigenous conservation projects, and $168,500 for a Center of Ethnobotanical Research, Education, & Transformation.

Our largest allocations are $42,800 on a greenhouse (a long-term asset with 150,000 tree capacity annually), and $43,700 on germination, substrates, and reforestation field work. The $168,500 Center of Ethnobotanical Research is an invitation for the scientific community to collaborate with indigenous medicines, and doubles as an income stream for our community by producing medicinal extracts and tinctures for mental health, energy, nervous system, detoxification, and so on.

With more funds ($2.6M), we’ll scale projects up (more hectares, more families, more income sources) over 5 years. We'll look into stronger accountability methods (eg. satellite imagery for carbon credits, biometric markers for water and soil testing), and invest in research and education for local + global communities (magazine for agroforestry methods, plant medicine research in lab). Our long-term vision ($5M) is open to land buy-backs for holistic conservation (eg. purchasing a mountain and conserving the water via agroforestry and nature-minded community infrastructure.)

Thank you for your support.

We’re raising $299,000 for our first year of reforestation and indigenous conservation projects, and $168,500 for a pharmaceutical laboratory to research and produce native medicinal plant products.

Our largest allocations are $42,800 on a greenhouse (a long-term asset with 150,000 tree capacity annually), and $43,700 on germination, substrates, and reforestation field work. The $168,500 laboratory doubles as an income stream merging native medicinal plant research with extracts and tinctures made for sale to treat mental health, nervous system, detoxification, and so on.

With more funds ($1.5M), we’ll scale projects up (more hectares, more families, more income sources) over 5 years. We'll look into stronger accountability methods (eg. satellite imagery for carbon credits, biometric markers for water and soil testing), and invest in research and education for local + global communities (magazine for agroforestry methods, plant medicine research in lab). Our long-term vision ($5M) is open to land buy-backs for holistic conservation (eg. purchasing a mountain and conserving the water via agroforestry and nature-minded community infrastructure.)

Project Proposals (PDF):

Greenhouse Project

Ethnobotanical Laboratory

Green Rebirth 5 Year Reforestation (Same info as website)

Thank you for your support.


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